The Karmarkar interior point algorithm is used to solve the programming problem, and calculation is accelerated. Test results show that the proposed model is correct and efficient. 采用Karmarkar内点算法求解该规划问题,加快了计算速度,计算结果表明所建立的模型是正确而有效的。
Karmarkar algorithm for linear programming is a very famous result in the area of international operation research. 线性规划的多项式算法&Karmarkar方法,是近期国际运筹学界的著名成果。
A Method to Define the Initial Point of Karmarkar Algorithm in the Linear Programming 线性规划Karmarkar方法的初始内点的求法
In this paper an improved version of Karmarkar algorithm ( IKA) for linear programming and its convergence analysis are given. 本文给出求解线性规划问题的一种改进的Karmarkar算法IKA。
An New Method for Linear Programming of Manufacture-An Improved KarmarKar algorithm 一种用于求解机械制造中线性规划问题的新算法&KarmarKar改进算法
A Modified Karmarkar Algorithm for Linear Programming with Unknow Optimal Objective Value 未知最优值线性规划的修正Karmarkar算法
So Karmarkar's algorithm is also called interior-point method. Since the publication of Karmarkar's paper, interior point methods theory has been a very active research direction in mathematical programming. 自从Karmarkar划时代的论文发表以来,内点算法一直是数学规划领域一个非常活跃的研究方向。
Thinks About the Two Kinds of the Concrete Calculating Ways in the Karmarkar Algorithm 对Karmarkar算法中两种具体算法的思考
The application of ABS algorithm in Karmarkar's algorithm ABS算法在Karmarkar算法中的应用
A Variant of Karmarkar's Algorithm to Solve Quadratic Programming Problems 解二次规划的一种Karmarkar变型算法
There are three different methods to solve linear programming problems: simplical method, Karmarkar and the transmutative algorithm. The paper makes comparison and analysis through examples. 单纯形法和Karmarkar算法及其变形算法是解线性规划问题的三个不同算法,本文从实例出发,对三种算法进行了比较和分析。
Comparison of Simplicial Method, Karmarkar and Transmutative Algorithm 单纯形法与Karmarkar算法及其变形算法的比较
Then we use Karmarkar algorithm for the liner programming to get the polynomial-time algorithm for liner fractional programming. 将Karmarkar算法用于该线性规划,我们得到了线性分式规划的多项式算法。
Karmarkar Atgoritahm& A New Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Linear Programming Karmarkar算法&一种新的线性规划多项式算法
Karmarkar's Algorithm and linear Fractional Programming Karmarkar算法与分式线性规划
In 1984, Karmarkar presented a new algorithm for linear programming& Karmarkar's algorithm. 内点算法研究的兴起开始于1984年Karmarkar算法的提出。
Karmarkar algorithm for solving directly the normal LP 直接解规范型线性规划问题的Karmarkar算法